Ever wonder how can I touch my phone without using my finger? I mean the normal way. I guess you know what I’m talking about. The normal way we use our phone, without really even trying to find a good place to put our fingers on the phone’s screen. If you’re one of those people that are always looking for an opportunity to just fiddle around with your phone, then maybe it’s about time you learn how to touch your phone the right way.

Have you ever wondered why the phones are so big in size? They are designed to be able to fit into our pockets, and even carry other things, like our keys, and the cell phone straps. However, are you wondering, how can they still be able to work when I use the small ones? Well, besides the fact that they are really tiny compared to the others, the answer to this is really quite simple. Your fingers are the big devices that are connecting all parts together.
When you are trying to use your phone, and trying to use it from any angle or position, your fingers are actually the largest connecting device between all parts. You might think, that when you look down at something, and you have your hands connected to it, that you’re able to see it better. Well, you’re right. Your eyes are probably a lot closer together now, than they used to be when you were younger.
So, when you are touching your phone, you are actually connecting yourself to the screen. How can this be? It seems kind of strange, but once you do it, you will begin to understand how it works. Your fingers are actually linking together with the phone’s screen, making it possible for you to manipulate it from any angle or position. This is how you are able to tap and pinch and move your way around your phone – all without ever taking your eyes off the phone itself.
How can I touch my phone screen without using my fingers? By pressing a small circle on the screen, which is normally right below the power button. The circle allows you to touch the phone without having to use your fingers. Of course, you don’t have to use your fingers, either. If you’re afraid that you may drop the phone, you can touch the screen with your thumb or forefinger.
So, now you know how you can use your phone in new ways that you never thought of before. Have you ever wondered how? Now, you just need to find out.