A touch screen is simply an assembly of two or more electronic input devices and an output device with which to process the input. Typically the touch screen is either an LCD or LED screen depending upon the system being used. A touch screen can be controlled by physical motion, but more commonly the use of touch technology is accomplished by using software applications which are computer programmable or computer-like in nature.
Touch screen displays make it possible for users to manipulate and view the monitor as if it were a real human hand. There are even some touch screen displays that are positioned so that only the part of the monitor that is being touched becomes active. This means that users can scroll up and down the screen or horizontally and vertically.
Touch screen monitors typically include a camera or other form of input mechanism that allows users to interact with the display. Some newer touch screen displays even allow a user to control the camera from the display itself. This is particularly useful for business and other industries that require a monitor with greater functionality and greater accuracy than a typical desktop PC monitor. The ability to receive information instantly by simply touching the screen makes these devices extremely desirable for use in many different industries. They are ideal for bar and restaurant staff that are often required to manually input customer information or inventory information into a computer.
Touch screen displays also have a significant advantage in terms of cost over their competitors because they do not need to include a keyboard or mouse in order to operate. This is one of the reasons that touch screen displays are much more cost effective than LCD flat panel displays. Touch displays only need a source of liquid lubrication when they are first installed. The lcd displays require a computer interface with a USB port in order to operate and connect to the monitor. Touch screen displays, on the other hand, do not require any liquid lubrication and operate very quickly.
Because of their fast response time and high accuracy, touch screen displays have revolutionized how employees in businesses interact with their computers. With the increased speed of the modern workplace and the increased number of people who work there, touch screens have become the preferred method of inputting information. Employees no longer sit at a computer terminal and key in commands verbally, but rather can press a small button on their touch screen and instantly receive a visual answer to their question. While it may take a few extra seconds for the employee to type out the information, having it displayed immediately on their screen allows them to be more productive. Also, the faster response time means that the staff does not waste time tapping away at a keyboard just to try and input the information into the computer.
Some companies use touch screen displays in check-in kiosks to allow customers to choose their payment method and customize their experience when checking in. Touch screens provide an instantaneous answer to a customer’s inquiry and make the process of check-in even smoother. A cashier can simply swipe the card through the reader and give the customer his or her cash ticket. The customer can then choose how much money he or she would like to pay for the item and store the receipt for later collection. Rather than having to write down the same information over again, customers can now simply touch the ticket and the receipt will provide the exact amount, which eliminates errors and provides for a more streamlined check-in process.